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Catholic Friendship

March 12, 2021
By Jessica Lemoine

Hey y'all,

Let me tell you about my best friend.

Her name is Angelica. We met at a scholarship competition for Franciscan University in the spring of our senior year of high school. We then became freshman year roommates, and that quickly led to us becoming best friends. We've laughed together, cried together, learned together, and grown together. We have a bond that's unlike anything I've ever experienced. We still talk every week even though we're hundreds of miles away. I can tell her anything, and I'm sure she'd say the same of me. She is one of the most extraordinary people I have ever met, and I'm positive I will be able to say the same thing years from now. 

I am certain that one of the reasons that our friendship is so strong and fulfilling is that it's rooted in Christ. We talk about our prayer lives with each other, we encourage each other, and we call each other on. We pray for each other all the time, and we pray together too. We are both running alongside each other toward Heaven. Having someone to run with is one of the most helpful and encouraging things in the spiritual life. I've said this before, and I'll say it again: no man is an island. We were made to love and be loved; we were made for community. 

So, is going to a Catholic school the only way to find Catholic friends? I hope you know that the answer is no. Having said that, surrounding yourself with like-minded peers is a fantastic way to make like-minded friends. Not everyone has the means to go to a Catholic school, though. How else do you find Catholic friends who are striving for Heaven?

One way is by getting involved at church. Attend Mass, go to youth group, volunteer, and attend other church-sponsored events. Getting involved at church is a great way to meet like-minded people. The people of our parish community are wonderful, generous, and holy. They are fantastic people to get to know. Don't be afraid to reach out to someone that isn't in your exact grade. Making friends that are a little older or younger than us helps us grow and mature in several ways.

Another way is by focusing on your relationship with God. Praying regularly, receiving the Sacraments, and spending time reading the Bible will help you root out anything in your life that's leading you to sin, even if that means distancing yourself from your current friends. The people we surround ourselves with impact our faith whether we know it or not. We have to ask ourselves: do my friends impact my faith in a good way or a bad way? If you don't like the answer you get, maybe it's time to reconsider who your friends are. I know this is difficult. I've had to set boundaries with people and even remove people from my life entirely because they were getting in the way of my relationship with God. I promise you it's worth it. God is never outdone in generosity. If you make Him the most important thing in your life, He will show up for you and provide you with the people you need to help you get closer to Him. 

One last suggestion is to be bold. Wear a crucifix. Play Christian music. Post about God on social media. Don't give in to peer pressure. Make it known that you are a Catholic by living like a Catholic all the time, not just at Mass on Sunday. I know it's scary to boldly live the faith in today's society. I can't promise you that it will be easy. You will most likely receive some backlash, but you will also find others who are living a bold, Catholic lifestyle. By making it known that you are striving for Heaven and letting nothing get in your way, you will attract those kinds of people to yourself. 

Finding like-minded friends is not easy nowadays, and COVID has made it even harder to meet people. Despite these things, I believe that God wants to put some amazing people in your life to run towards Him with. Do whatever you can to help Him help you. Remember that the key is authentic love. Love means willing the good of another. In all your friendships, make sure you are wanting what is genuinely good for the other person (i.e., what leads them to God). 

That's all for now. Know that I am always praying for you, and please keep me and this ministry in your prayers.

Peace of Christ,

Miss Jessica



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