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“One who loves is concerned about the one who is missing, longs for who is absent, seeks who is lost, awaits those who have gone astray. For he wants no one to be lost,”  

~Pope Francis, from his 2022 Angelus address.


This year, Divine Mercy will be offering a Thanksgiving meal for anyone who needs a place to go.  In our efforts to answer Christ's call to action in the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy, we will be providing this meal on Thanksgiving Day.


Interested in helping to serve?

Many hands make light work, and our hope is that many from our parish community are able to offer support through donations, cooking, serving, but most of all- TIME to those who have no one to meet with them.


Please check out our Volunteer Sign Up page and find the ways you can serve.  You can also send in monetary donations to help offset the costs of food and supplies for preparation.  Please make all checks payable to Divine Mercy Parish, with “Thanksgiving Meal” in the memo line.

All donations will be collected November 23-24 during all weekend masses.  Please make sure to drop off that weekend so the organizers know what areas need to be filled in the week of the event.  

THANK YOU for your generosity!