“[The Church’s teaching] is a treasure of incalculable worth, not indeed coveted by all, but available to all men of goodwill. And our duty is not just to guard this treasure, as though it were some museum piece and we the curators, but earnestly and fearlessly to dedicate ourselves to the work that needs to be done in this modern age of ours, pursuing the path which the Church has followed for almost 20 centuries.”
~St. John XXIII, from his Opening Address to the Vatican II Council'
Join us as we take a look at the Dogmatic Constitutions from the Vatican II Council. For each of the Constitutions, participants will receive a self-guided study aid to help them read, understand, and reflect on the teachings of the Church. We will meet every few months to discuss and hear more about the beauty of the Church.
When do we start?
Every few months, we will cover a different document. This will allow for ample time to read and study the richness of our Catholic faith. Please save the dates
A brief informational session will take place AFTER mass on these dates to prepare for the upcoming session.
September 28 after 4:00 pm mass
September 29 after 7:30, 9:30, and 11:00 masses
You only need to attend one, and the meeting will last about 15-20 minutes. You will receive your study guide for Lumen Gentium, along with helpful tips on how to read through the documents.
If you are unable to attend these sessions, please contact the parish office so to receive the study guide. Due to copyright rules, we are unable to attach the study guide online.
Session Two: Lumen Gentium (Light of the Nations)
Tuesday, November 12 10:00 am
Thursday, November 14 6:00 pm
Session Three: Sacrosanctum Concillium (The Sacred Liturgy)
Tuesday, February 11 10:00 am
Thursday, February 13 6:00 pm
Session Four: Gaudium et Spes (The Church in the Modern World)
Tuesday, May 13 10:00 am
Thursday, May 15 6:00 pm
Each of the sessions will last about an hour and a half, and this will be a time to discuss what we learned in the self-study. You can choose a morning or evening session to attend.
Where will the sessions take place?
All sessions will take place in the Gathering Space at 800 Marquette Ave.
What do I need to participate?
Each participant will need the following items.
• A copy of each document (linked below or for purchase through Word on Fire)
• A study guide for each session (provided)
• A Catholic Bible (for scripture references)
Who can attend?
This course is appropriate for high school students, young adults, and adults. Non-parishioners are welcomed to attend, as well, but we do ask that all register so we have an idea who is coming. Please sign up here.
Is there a cost?
This course is free, however, if you would like to purchase a hard copy of the V2 documents, you can purchase The Word on Fire Vatican II Collection through the Word on Fire Institute.
Any Further Questions?
Please contact Amanda Decker at the parish office if there are any questions.
414-762-6810 or amandadecker@divinemercysm.org