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What is the State of Your Room?

October 15, 2021
By Jessica Lemoine

Hey y’all!

What is the state of your room? I don’t actually need to know — that would be kind of invasive — but just think about your answer. Is it clean? Is it dirty? Does it appear neat but hasn’t been vacuumed in ages? Do you have piles in your closet or random messes stuffed under your bed? What is the state of your room?

The reason this is important is that the state of your room often reflects the state of your soul. It’s true that our outward behaviors, appearance, and environment can both reflect and affect what’s going on inside us. For example, someone who’s depressed might not shower for several days. The uncleanliness of their body reflects the inner turmoil of their mind. On the other hand, that person’s therapist or loved one might suggest that they take a shower, and it might help them feel better. The feeling of being clean on the outside might help the person feel better on the inside.

This concept applies to our spiritual health, too. The things we do and say, the way we present ourselves, and how we keep our environment can reflect the state of our soul. This isn’t a hard and fast rule, but if there’s a mess around us, it can mean there’s a mess inside us. 

What does this mean? Does it mean that if my room’s a mess, I’m going to Hell? Absolutely not. It just means that our behaviors, appearance, and environment can be a signal, both to ourselves and those around us, of how we’re doing on the inside. We should pay attention to these signals, and if we notice something that troubles us, we should do something about it. If a friend who’s usually a clean-freak is suddenly super messy, check in on them. If you’re usually very respectful, and you start talking back to your parents, ask yourself why. 

Also, if you want to clean up on the inside, I encourage you to try cleaning up on the outside. The adage “fake it ‘til you make it” does have some merit. Maybe you don’t feel happy, healthy, and holy right now. If you act like you are these things, eventually they will become your reality. So put on a nice outfit, clean your room, and try to use positive language. Maybe it won’t do anything for you, but you won’t know until you try. 

I encourage you to reflect on the state of your room and how it relates to the state of your soul. Is there a mess that needs cleaning? Is there a wound that needs healing? If there is, run to Jesus in prayer and the Sacrament of Confession. He’ll fix you up.

That’s all for now. Know of my prayers for you and your families, and please keep me and this ministry in your prayers.

Peace of Christ,

Miss Jessica
