Baptism For Infants & Young Children
The Sacrament of Baptism celebrates the very essence of our Christian Faith: the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It initiates one into the Body of Christ, the parish faith community. For infants and young children, it is the parents' decision to bring their children into the church and this entails a VERY important responsibility of raising their children in the faith. For an overview of how baptism of infants & young children typically occurs at Divine Mercy, please click on the ‘Baptism Preparation’ link on the right side of this page.
First Reconciliation For Children
First Reconciliation is the sacrament of God's love and mercy. It is also called Penance or Confession. It is a holy encounter with Jesus through the presence of the priest, who represents the Lord and the faith community. By admitting that we do wrong and being willing to make things right, we build up our relationship with Jesus. Our Bishop has asked that this sacrament be celebrated before First Communion. Child preparation for 1st Reconciliation typically occurs through Divine Mercy's Sunday Family Formation program (usually during a child's 2nd grade year). For an overview of the Sunday Family Formation Program, please click on the ‘Formation’ link on the right side of this page.
Reconciliation Opportunities for adults & children/Youth at Divine Mercy
The Sacrament of Reconciliation for adults and children/youth (that have already received their 1st Reconciliation) is offered at 3:00 pm every Saturday at the Divine Mercy Marquette Ave campus (our main worship site, 800 Marquette Avenue). For those unable to make it to church at that time, an individual reconciliation appointment with a priest can be made by contacting the Parish Office at 414-762-6810.
Communal celebrations of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, which provide opportunities for individual confession, are typically scheduled in Advent and Lent. Please see the bulletin for specific dates/times during those liturgical seasons.
First Eucharist For Children
Holy Communion is the heart of our experience of Jesus Christ. When we gather to say Thank You (which is what the word "Eucharist" means) for the blessings we receive, we unite ourselves closely to the Lord by receiving the Body and Blood in Communion. The Mass (or Eucharistic celebration) unites us in the closest way to our God who loves us and offered His Son for us. Every Mass is a celebration of Easter and the blessings of life. Child preparation for 1st Eucharist typically occurs through Divine Mercy's Sunday Family Formation program (usually during 2nd grade). For an overview of the Sunday Family Formation Program, please click on the ‘Formation’ link on the right side of this page.
Confirmation for Teens
The celebration of Confirmation focuses on a young person's faith and commitment to Christ and his/her desire to enter adulthood in the parish community. Sacramental preparation for young people who are 16 years of age or older includes classes, service to the community, a weekend retreat, and a day of reflection experience. Teen preparation for Confirmation typically occurs through Divine Mercy's Sunday Family Formation program (using during 11th grade). For an overview of the Sunday Family Formation Program, please click on the ‘Formation’ link on the right side of this page.
Adult Confirmation
Catholic Adults who have never been Confirmed but have received 1st Reconciliation/1st Eucharist are invited into this process of preparation which is intended to deepen the baptismal commitment to discipleship through formation, prayer and increased involvement in the community. Readiness for the sacrament is determined by the individual themselves as they examine their life of faith and their response to that gift. Information on Adult Confirmation can be found on the ‘Adult Formation’ link on the right side of this page.
Becoming a Catholic
Non-Catholics who are seeking initiation into the Catholic Church are prepared through variations of a program called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). Some examples of individuals that COULD complete RCIA include:
- An adult not yet baptized who wishes to become Catholic
- An adult baptized in another Christian church who wishes to become Catholic
- An adult baptized in the Catholic Church, but not raised in the faith, who wishes complete Initiation (Confirmation, First Eucharist)
- A child that has not been baptized but has reached the age of reason (approximately age 7+).
More information on becoming a Catholic can be found on the ‘Adult Formation’ link on the right side of this page.
Marriage is a solemn and holy commitment and the Church requires engaged couples to partake in a preparation process to ensure your understanding and willingness to make this type of commitment.
If you or your parents are members of Divine Mercy Parish and you'd like to get married in church, here are a few steps that you'll need to take:
- Make an appointment to meet with one of the priests at least six months prior to your desired wedding date.
- You will confirm your wedding date availability; weddings are normally celebrated on Saturdays at 1:00pm.
- You will receive several resources to help you plan your wedding.
- Meet with a married couple from Divine Mercy Parish who are trained facilitators in marriage preparation (FOCCUS).
- Register and attend an Archdiocesan Engagement Enrichment Day.
- Have follow-up meeting(s) with your celebrant.
To set up an appointment with a parish priest, please call the office at 414-762-6810 or e-mail
To find out more about music options for your wedding, click here.
Convalidation/Blessing of Marriage
We probably all know at least one couple who were not married according to the legal requirements of the Catholic church. Perhaps the couple were married in a civil ceremony or maybe they were married in the church of the non-Catholic partner without having gone through the procedure of receiving a dispensation from the Catholic Church. Perhaps one of the partners had been married previously and was not, at the time of the new marriage, canonically free to marry again. It is not unusual for such couples to wish later to have the Catholic Church formally recognize their marriage.
If you would like to find out more about what is commonly called “having your marriage blessed,” please call the Parish Office at 414-762-6810.
Each couple's circumstances differ, of course, calling for different procedures. The process of convalidating a marriage respects the needs of each couple as well as the teachings of the Catholic Church. Through it, the couple's experience of married love is interpreted in a new context-the paschal mystery-the pattern at the heart of every Christian marriage.
Anointing of the Sick
If you are (a) facing major surgery, (b) seriously impaired by sickness, (c) troubled by chronic illness or (d) burdened with the challenges of advancing age, you are invited to join in this sacrament. Seriously sick children may also be anointed if they have sufficient use of reason to be strengthened by this sacrament. The sacrament consists of the laying on of hands and an anointing with oil. If you would like to be anointed please contact the Parish Office at 414-762-6810.
Holy Orders
Have you thought about being a priest? Priests always seem to be there when we come to pray with the community on Sundays and holidays. They are with us at those significant moments in our lives, e.g. Baptism, marriage, sickness, death. It is hard to imagine Catholics without priests.
Priests come from families and parish communities to serve the Church. We know that God has called individuals to the priesthood in the past and trust that God will continue to call individuals in the present. If you have ever thought that God is calling you, please contact Fr. Joe to talk about it at the Parish Office.
You can also contact the Vocation Office for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee at, 414-747-6437,