The Divine Mercy Holy Name Society is a group of men with their sons of all ages that get together on the second Sunday of each month to celebrate at the 7:30am Mass and take part in the sacraments together. Following the Mass, we have a breakfast and meeting, which sometimes has a speaker discussing topics of general activities occurring within our parish and community.
The primary objectives of the Holy Name Society are the honor and glory of our Triune God and the personal sanctification of its members by acts of love and devotion to the Most Holy Name of Jesus. This starts with the Basic practice to follow the promises contained in the Holy Name Pledge.
Our Holy Name Society has a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, who are elected by its members. There is a sick and vigil committee, which compiles a list of our members, and cards are mailed as appropriate. The Society collects annual dues from its membership and voluntary contributions at its breakfast, which are used to pay expenses. The Society sponsors fund-raising activities during the year, one being our Christmas and Easer Polish Sausage sales.
If you have any questions, please contact:
David Bartoshevich at 414-764-2836