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Welcome to RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)

Were you never baptized but would like to become Catholic?  If the answer is ‘yes’ you are invited to join us in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).

RCIA is a faith formation process--not a program or ‘college course.’  Emphasis is placed on the individual's faith development through the teachings and sacramental life of the Catholic Church.  One-on-one sessions include instruction, scripture reflection, and faith sharing.  RCIA is for adults of any age and children over the age of seven who have not been baptized.

RCIA enrollment is on-going throughout the year.  Candidates progress at an individual rate that fits them and how they are best able to grow in their faith journey.  This means that individual candidates will progress faster or slower as their life and faith circumstances dictate.  A great way to think of RCIA is to consider how a farmer tends to a crop--each plant will grow at the rate that it is capable of.  The farmer tends the plants (waters them, pulls the weeds, fertilizes, etc..) but each plant grows as fast or slow as it can!  When ready, the candidate will progress through a number of stages as he/she receives the Rite of Reception and then the Rite of Election.  RCIA culminates with the reception of all THREE Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, 1st Eucharist, and Confirmation) at the Easter Vigil Mass!

SPECIAL NOTE:  For individuals that have already been baptized (either Catholic or in another faith tradition) and/or have already received 1st Reconciliation/1st Eucharist, you do not participate in RCIA!  Don't be worried, though.  Please contact the Parish Office and we will help you with getting enrolled in the correct sacramental program so that you can either receive your remaining sacraments or come into full communion with the Catholic church!

Are you excited and ready to learn more?  Please contact the Parish Office at 414-762-6810 to start taking the next steps!  We look forward to talking with you!