Baptism is the first step parents take in the faith formation of their child. It is a moment of GREAT excitement and enthusiasm!
When parents choose to baptize their child, they are fulfilling their responsibility to teach the child about our faith in a God-centered home and life where tenderness, forgiveness, respect, fidelity, and unselfish service are the norm.
Baptism preparation helps parents and Godparents/sponsors understand their role as a child's primary faith teacher. Preparation consists of a number of components including reflecting on a parent/sponsor's own personal faith formation, the responsibilities of raising a child in a Christ-like home/life, the Theology of the Sacrament, and understanding how the actual baptism will occur during mass.
Special notes for commonly asked questions about Baptisms:
- Parents requesting baptism for their child must be a registered member of Divine Mercy Parish (or have permission granted from their home parish) and attend at least one Baptism Preparation Class. If the parents are not a member of any parish, they are able to join Divine Mercy Parish as a part of requesting baptism for their child.
- Baptisms typically occur during either the Saturday 4:00 pm mass or the Sunday 11:00 am mass.
- Baptisms cannot be formally scheduled until all paperwork is completed (including receipt of any Godparent/sponsor forms) and the Baptism Preparation Class has been completed.
- Children to be baptized must have at least one Godparent that is fully initiated into the Catholic Church (Baptized, received 1st Eucharist, Confirmed) and is an active Catholic (i.e., a member of a parish & regulary particpates in the mass). Dates of when sacraments were received as well as a signature & seal from the parish that the Godparent is a member of are required to be completed on the sponsor form.
Are you ready to get your child baptized? Do you have additional questions about the Sacrament of Baptism? Contact Chris Mancheski, Director of Faith Formation, at 414-762-6810x3212 or chrismancheski@divinemercysm.org to set-up an initial meeting or to have a preliminary conversation!