There is a variety of gifts, but the same Spirit;
there are different ministries, but the same Lord is served.
...To each person the manifestation of the Spirit is given
for the common good.
1 Corinthians 12:4-8
When the power/grace of God is active in the community - the women, men and youth, who gather faithfully to celebrate the sacraments and do the Mission of Christ today, the parish works. It doesn't happen by accident. Rather, certain inter-related entities form a network that organizes the People of God. One is sacred, one is secular.
- The people who make up the faith community, the parish, is the ecclesial (sacred) entity.
- The pastoral care of the faith community is entrusted to a pastor assigned by the bishop.
- The pastoral council, is the duly authorized group of parishioners with whom the pastor consults regularly on matters related to the direction, pastoral activity and temporal affairs of the parish. The council serves as "Stewards of the Mission."
- Parish committees, accountable to the parish council, set goals in their area of mission and ministry. Committees work with and in behalf of parishioners to ensure that capable, prepared ministers and quality ministries are in place.
- Parish staff members, persons employed by the parish, are accountable to the pastor. These professionals assist the community in achieving their mission and ministerial goals.
The parish corporation is the civil or legal (secular) entity of the system. Each parish in the archdiocese is incorporated as a religious, nonprofit organization. Recognized by the state as such, the parish may legally enter into contracts, own property, and benefit from tax exempt status. The members of the parish corporation board are: the archbishop, vicar general, pastor and two elected parishioners-trustees.