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These opportunities are open to all youth grades 6-12.  

"Christ has no body but yours; no hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes through which His compassion looks out upon the world. Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good. Yours are the hands with which he blesses all the world." - St. Teresa of avila


check back often for New Opportunities to serve!

Divine Mercy Outdoor Cleanup Days 

Come join other parishioners, both young and old, for our outdoor cleanup days.  These days are dedicated to caring for the outside of our parish grounds, both at Marquette Ave. and College Ave.  Volunteers are asked to bring work gloves and a favorite gardening tool.  Most of the work involves planting and weeding, and there may be some days where mulch needs to be spread.
Dates are as follows:
"Saturdays of Service"
3rd Saturday of the Month from June through October, 9:30 am to 12:30 pm;
*It is OK to come anytime during that time frame that you are available!
Contact Manny Torres at 414-510-8985 or to volunteer and for additional details!
Divine Mercy Cleaning Crew
Did you know our parish has angels among us?  For several decades, the Christian Women of our parish have been dusting and cleaning the altar area and gathering space for our parish so that it is in “tip top” shape.  They are wanting to teach YOU how to care for the inside of the building, as several of them are needing assistance.  Consider spending an hour of your week this summer helping with cleaning.
Among the jobs to be done are cleaning, dusting, and wiping down the pews; sweeping and dusting in the Gathering Space; washing windows on glass windows and doors; and anything else that needs to be tended to.
While the group usually meets on Thursday mornings around 9:30 am, there are some weeks that the day or time may change due to funerals.  Each volunteer is also asked to bring a bucket and cleaning rags with you.
Please contact Melanie Poser at 414-553-0988 to sign up.

St. Vincent de Paul Meal Program
Join other Divine Mercy parishioners as we prepare and serve food for those in need.  Our parish usually feeds around 100 people each time we go, and each time, volunteers have an awesome opportunity to meet some pretty awesome people.  We have a great group of volunteers, and there is always room for more!  There are also various shifts with different jobs to do, as it is an all day affair to prepare the meal.  
Volunteers have the opportunity to prep the food (cutting, chopping, etc), cook the meal, or serve the meal for dinner.  You are also responsible for your own transportation to and from the location.
Contact Manny Torres at 414-510-8985 or to volunteer.